How Do You Market To Generations Y and Z?
Getting clients and prospects to engage with your start-up business is like learning a new language. It doesn’t simply just happen over a weekend. It takes time and practice to truly become fluent in speaking the “marketing language” of your clients. So what different dialects should you include in your start-up company’s marketing language to […]
What Is The Point Of A Financial Model?
Short and simple answer… To tell the story about your business with math. A great financial model isn’t just a spreadsheet: it’s an outline of your fundamental business model that can be used to understand your business. A lot of stakeholders tend to say that financial models are irrelevant for start-up companies. I agree that financial […]
Business Uncertainty and Tough Economic Times
Uncertainty, especially business uncertainty remains at the top of mind for most South African businesses. Perhaps now is an ideal time to look at ways you can successfully manage your business through these uncertain times. When times are good and the product is moving, companies can run a little blind. It is not unusual to […]
Top 10 Ways To Promote Your New Restaurant
New restaurants are popping up with every new shopping mall and suburban ‘trendy’ hangout spots and are all contending for the same customers. How do you then ensure that the customers are walking into your dining establishment and not the competitors? We have all seen empty restaurants while another one on the same street is […]
A Mentor For Your Business – Is It Necessary?
An entrepreneur’s life is tough and unpredictable. Often, you are faced with many doubts, fears, and challenges. At times, you even find yourself moving from challenge to challenge, and perhaps facing another problem just as you resolved an earlier problem. Against this backdrop, having a mentor on board your business venture can benefit you enormously. […]
Marketing For The Busy Business Owner
Marketing is an integral part of your small business operations. Is there one magic formula that will take the effort out of marketing and bring you all the clients you need, forever? No! Business owners that search for that elusive marketing unicorn will agree that it is a daunting task. They read articles and books, […]
Everything to do with Business Plans
Starting a New Business? Need a Business Plan? Then listen to this practical advice to entrepreneurs on ‘Everything to do with Business Plans’. Dr. Thommie Burger (Founder of JTB Consulting (Just in Time Business Consulting) interviewed. The interview was conducted by the University of Pretoria’s TUKS FM 107.2 during its Business Platform Show on 21 […]
Responsive Websites: 5 Reasons Why You Need One
Websites? Everyone has one right? Something we all know but when it comes to the technical jargon and design of a website, most entrepreneurs are novices. More than 10 years ago, when I was on the verge of starting JTB Consulting, one of the key aspects I had to consider was the design of a […]
Teaching Entrepreneurial Principles To Children
Teaching entrepreneurship and the principles of starting your own business to kids are vital. Due to cut-throat competition in the conventional professional fields like Engineers, Chartered Accountants and Medical Doctors, teaching entrepreneurship to children has certainly gained tremendous popularity in specially developed nations…an alternative to just merely seeking a professional career after school. Since the […]
Fear of Rejection – Following Up With Prospects
Fear of rejection is something that is faced by salespeople and entrepreneurs alike. Following up with prospective clients is one of the most important activities of small business owners. Entrepreneurs constantly put themselves out there, and no one is safe from the fear of rejection. They’re afraid the prospect is going to tell them, “Go […]
Valuations of Startup Companies (Volume 2)
Valuations of start-up companies, we’ve seen in the previous blog article, is an extremely complex but important aspect of the funding/investment application process. In our previous blog, we focused on the first 5 questions of 25 critical questions to answer that will help you understand what the investor is thinking when it comes to valuing your start-up […]
Deciding On Your Business Name And Logo
Deciding on a business name and logo is one of the most important things you’ll do. When you choose a name and logo for your business you are also choosing an identity. Get your family, friends and/or colleagues together for a business name brainstorming session. Your business name must be memorable – but easy to pronounce and spell: Your […]