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Pitch Deck Design and Why You Need One in 2023

Pitch Deck Design and Why You Need One in 2023

Dr Thommie Burger is the Founder of JTB Consulting
Pitch Deck Design and Why You Need One in 2023

A pitch deck is more than an elevator pitch. It’s a document that communicates the value of your startup to potential investors. It’s a concise and compelling presentation of your company, its market opportunity, and its proposed solution. A great pitch deck design will excite potential investors who want to learn more about your company.

Pitch Deck Consulting ― Pitching your New Idea to Investors. Let JTB Consulting Guide You.

Pitch Deck Design 101

So you have this brilliant new business idea, or perhaps you’ve just finished reading our blog post on securing funding to grow your business. Either way, you need funding to take things to the next level, so now what? Your first port of call should create a strong pitch deck to attract venture capitalists with confidence and ease. Read on for everything you need to know about creating a pitch deck and how it can help secure funding for your thriving business.

What is a Pitch Deck?

A pitch deck is a visual presentation highlighting your business’s key points and value propositions. It’s usually a PowerPoint presentation accompanied by key facts and figures on the business model, the market opportunity, and the projected financial outcomes of your venture. A pitch deck is a tool to present an idea or a business plan concisely and compellingly. It’s used to present to potential investors to gain funding for your startup or new business venture.

The concept of a pitch deck was first developed in the venture capital world. This finance branch is heavily numbers-driven, so the decks are primarily visual rather than textual. They need to be understood quickly, without the reader having to go back and reread anything. That’s why the pitch deck is critical in venture capital, where funding decisions can be made in minutes or even seconds.

Need assistance with your Pitch Deck Design? Contact us via LinkedIn to discuss your unique needs.

Why Do You Need a Pitch Deck?

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of creating your very own pitch deck, it’s important to understand why you even need one in the first place. If you seek funding from venture capitalists, investors, or a business loan, you must create a pitch deck to accompany your proposal. It’s a visual representation of your business and a way to tell your startup’s story. This way, the reader can quickly grasp the facts and figures behind your business model and how you plan on making money.

A pitch deck is the best way to ensure your presentation is concise and compelling. As we mentioned before, making an investment decision can happen quickly, so you must be prepared to deliver a concise and compelling presentation anytime. You must also be confident in your presentation and know everything is accurate. You never know who will review your pitch deck, so you can’t just wing it. You need quick access to the key facts, numbers, and figures to help you make your case for funding.

Pitch Deck Design Service ― Two tips for crafting the perfect pitch

  • Understand what venture capitalists are looking for. If you’re seeking venture capitalist funding, you’ll need to know what they are looking for in a pitch deck. Most VCs are looking for companies with strong signs of scalability and a proven team with a proven track record of success.
  • Make it visually appealing. Your deck is meant to be quick, concise, and compelling, but it’s also meant to be visually appealing. Be sure to spend enough time on the design and layout of your pitch deck to have a professional look and feel.

 Pitch Deck Design Service ― Three ways a pitch will help you get funded

  1. It will help show investors why your idea is valuable. One of the primary ways that a pitch deck can help you get funded is by showing investors the value of your idea and how it will impact the market.
  2. It will help you get funding more quickly. Another significant advantage of creating a pitch deck is that it will help you get funding more quickly. Since venture capitalists make funding decisions quickly, the sooner you can get your pitch deck out there, the sooner you can get funding.
  3. It will help you avoid getting funding from the wrong investors. A pitch deck can also help you avoid getting funding from the wrong investors. If you only show your pitch deck to investors interested in the same investment type, you can avoid getting funding from investors who want you to take a different approach.

Pitch Deck Designer ― How to create your own pitch deck

If you’re starting to create your pitch deck, there are a few things to remember. First, you need to convey your business’s core value as quickly as possible. You have about three to five minutes to capture your reader’s attention, so you must reach the point as soon as possible. You also need to make sure that your pitch deck is visually appealing. Don’t just throw together some text on a PowerPoint slide with graphs and charts.

Make sure that it looks professional and is easy to read. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel when creating a pitch deck. Instead, you can follow a few simple steps to help you get started. First, identify your core value proposition. What is your company, and how is it better than what’s already out there?

Next, identify your target audience. Who are you trying to pitch your business to? Once you’ve identified your target audience, make sure to create a tone and feel that’s consistent with your target audience. Finally, ensure you include all the relevant information in your pitch deck. This includes your business model, projected financials, and competitive analysis.

Pitch Deck Design by JTB Consulting since 2006.

Pitch Deck Design Services ― 3 Mistakes to avoid when creating your pitch deck

  1. It’s too long. You need to keep your pitch deck concise, but that doesn’t mean that you should keep it as short as possible. The longer your pitch deck is, the less likely your audience will stay with you until the end. Remember that you’re not just speaking to yourself; you’re trying to communicate with a group of people, so you must ensure they understand everything you’re saying.
  2. It’s unorganised. Ensure that the facts and figures you include in your pitch deck are organised appropriately. Your reader can’t make sense of a bunch of information thrown together in random order.
  3. It’s missing key information. Make sure that you include all the relevant information in your pitch deck. This includes your business model, projected financials, and competitive analysis.

A pitch deck is everything in one simple presentation. You can’t go wrong if you follow these tips when creating yours. You’ll be well on getting your business funded, and you’ll be able to do it confidently and easily. You can use the same pitch deck for different funding opportunities, such as business loans or equity investments. With the right pitch deck, you’ll have no trouble securing the funding you need to take your business to the next level.

Pitch Deck Consulting for Startups ― How to Get It?

So you have a great business idea and are ready to take your startup to the next level. But before seeking out investors, you must put together a pitch deck. This presentation will give potential investors an overview of your business plan and convince them to invest in your company. But how do you go about getting pitch deck consulting?

Pitch Deck Consulting for Startups ― What is included in a pitch deck?

A pitch deck is a brief presentation that entrepreneurs use to give potential investors an overview of their business. This usually includes slides with information about the company’s product, market, team, and financials.

Creating a great pitch deck is essential for raising investment for your startup. But what exactly should you include in your presentation? Here are some tips:

  1. Keep it Simple ― Investors are busy people who don’t have time to read through a long pitch deck. So make sure you keep your presentation short, sweet, and concise. Include only the most important information and leave out any fluff.
  2. Tell a Story ― People love stories, so make sure your pitch deck tells a compelling story about your company. Start with the problem your business is solving and then explain how your product or service is the solution. Use strong visuals to help tell your story and keep your audience engaged.
  3. Focus on the Numbers ― Investors want to see your business has growth potential. So include slides with key metrics and financial information that show them how much progress you’ve made and what kind of return on investment they can expect.

How to get pitch deck consulting for startups?

As a startup, you may wonder how to get pitch deck consulting. Here are a few tips:

  1. Look for a pitch deck consultant who has experience with startups. This will ensure that they understand the unique challenges that startups face.
  2. Ask for referrals from other startups. They may know of a great pitch deck consultant that they can recommend.
  3. Do some research online. Many online directories list pitch deck consultants. This will give you a good starting point for your search.
  4. Once you have found a few potential consultants, schedule a consultation so you can learn more about their services and what they can do for your startup.

The benefits of pitch deck consulting for startups

There are several benefits that pitch deck consulting can provide for startups. Perhaps the most obvious benefit is that it can help a startup fine-tune and polish its pitch deck, making it more likely to secure funding from investors.

Other benefits of pitch deck consulting include helping startups to understand the investor perspective better, learning what investors are looking for in a successful pitch deck, and receiving feedback on their pitch deck before presenting it to potential investors. In addition, a consultant can also provide valuable insights and advice on how to best structure and present a startup’s business plan and financials.

Overall, pitch deck consulting can be an extremely helpful tool for startups seeking to secure funding and grow their business. By assisting with crafting a more effective pitch deck, increasing understanding of the investor perspective, and offering feedback on the overall presentation, consultants can give startups a much better chance at success.

Consulting with an expert can be a great way to get started if you’re a startup looking to improve your pitch deck. There are a few things to remember when choosing a consultant, such as their experience level and what services they offer. Once you’ve found the right consultant for your needs, they can help you take your pitch deck to the next level and give you the best chance of success.

Established in 2006, we have successfully written hundreds of bankable and world-class Business Plans for clients across 25 countries. As South Africa’s Leading Business Plan Company, we are confident that we would be able to assist you too. Kindly note that we also offer “Investor Pitch Decks”, “Excel-based Financial Models”, and “Proposal/Tender Writing Services” in addition to our Custom Business Plan Writing Service. Please visit our Services page for more information.

We look forward to being of service to you. Please feel free to contact our Founder, Dr Thommie Burger, on +27 79 300 8984 should you have any questions. He is also available via email and LinkedIn.

JTB – Your Business Planning Partner.
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